State Bank Of Hyderabad has 21 branches in Kurnool like Yemmiganur , Venkatramana Colony, Kurnool , Velgode , . Please select a branch from the list below to get the location, contact details, IFSC code, MICR code.

IFSC Codes of State Bank Of Hyderabad in Kurnool

Branch Name Branch Address IFSC Code MICR Code Bank City District State
Yemmiganur D No 1 2023, Adoni Road, Opp Sbi Adb, Kurnool Dist,
SBHY0021049 518004132 State Bank Of Hyderabad Yemmiganur Kurnool Andhra Pradesh
Venkatramana Colony, Kurnool Door No.45-142K-60, Venkatramana Colony, Kurnool Town, A P -
SBHY0021400 NON-MICR State Bank Of Hyderabad Kurnool Kurnool Andhra Pradesh
Velgode D No 18-191/14 Nandyal Atmakur Rd Velgode Ddist Kurnool Ap
SBHY0021585 NA State Bank Of Hyderabad Velgodu Kurnool Andhra Pradesh
Srisailamgudem Devastanam Ttd Choultry,Srisailam P.O 518101 SBHY0020919 518004139 State Bank Of Hyderabad Srisailamgudem Devastanam Kurnool Andhra Pradesh
Pasupala Rayalaseema University Campus Kurnool Ap 518002 SBHY0021229 TO BE ALLOTED State Bank Of Hyderabad Kurnool Kurnool Andhra Pradesh
Oldtown D.No67/23 A Near Watertank Oldbusstand Kurnool518001
SBHY0021435 NOT ALLOTTED State Bank Of Hyderabad Kurnool Kurnool Andhra Pradesh
Nandyal Road Br.Kurnool Shop No.8,Door No.87-1164-1,Gowri Shankar Complex,Nagireddy
Revenue Colony,Nandyal Road,Kurnool-518002
SBHY0021660 NA State Bank Of Hyderabad Kurnool Kurnool Andhra Pradesh
Nandyal Deshpande Bldg,Near Telugu Ganga Office,Nandyal,518501 SBHY0020677 518004501 State Bank Of Hyderabad Nandyal Kurnool Andhra Pradesh
Nandikotkur 12/119,Ist Floor Patel Centre,K.G.Road,Nandikotkur,518401 SBHY0020770 518004401 State Bank Of Hyderabad Nandikotkur Kurnool Andhra Pradesh
Kurnool 81-28/A1, Nh 7 Road,Krishna Nagar, Kurnool 518002 SBHY0020995 518004148 State Bank Of Hyderabad Kurnool Kurnool Andhra Pradesh
Kurnool 43/126,Municipal Complex, N.R.Peta,Kurnool-518004 SBHY0020977 518004751 State Bank Of Hyderabad Kurnool Kurnool Andhra Pradesh
Kurnool Sri Durga Tractor Works Complex Fl-1,Subba
SBHY0020871 518004391 State Bank Of Hyderabad Kurnool Kurnool Andhra Pradesh
Kurnool Municipal Complex,Opp Chandra Lodge,Kurnool,518001 SBHY0020492 518004055 State Bank Of Hyderabad Kurnool Kurnool Andhra Pradesh
Koilkuntla D.No 10-543-174, Near Rtc Bus Stand, Koilkuntla, Kurnool
SBHY0021416 NOT ALLOTTED State Bank Of Hyderabad Koilkuntla Kurnool Andhra Pradesh
Dhone 8-110 Kurnool Road Dhone 518222 SBHY0021184 NOT ALLOWTED State Bank Of Hyderabad Dhone Kurnool Andhra Pradesh

What is IFSC code of a bank?

Full form of IFSC code is Indian Financial System Code.
When you want to make a payment to an account you would need to mention an IFSC code along with the account number. IFSC code is used to identify a branch of a bank. An account number along with an IFSC code is used uniquely identify an account. This combination can be then used to make online fund transfer through NEFT or RTGS.
On the other hand, NEFT transactions generally take upto 2 hours to settle.

What is the use of MICR code?

MICR stands for Magnetic Ink Character Recognition. It appears on your cheque just after your cheque number. It is used to identify a particular branch of a bank in a city. It is a nine digit number of which first 3 digits stand for city, next 3 for bank and last 3 for branch.
The MICR code is used for clearing the cheques. A machine can read MICR code and quickly identify the exact branch where the account of the cheque issuers is held.

What is the time of Neft?

National Electronic Funds Transfer is used for transferring the funds online. The system is available from 8 in the morning till 7 in the evening and 1 in the afternoon. Any NEFT requests not cleared on a day are rolled over to the next day and cleared on next working day. If you want to transfer funds instantly use RTGS or IMPS instead. You can also use online wallets.